Sun Conure Care Guide!! | Is a Sun Conure Right for You?

Biki's Aviary
6 min readApr 12, 2021


Hey what’s up you guys my name is Biki Dey and for today’s article, i’m doing a Sun Conure care guide. I’m going to be talking to you guys about how to care for Sun Conures and just all about them, in general, let’s get into the Sun Conure care guide.

Before I actually talk about the care of Sun Conures I wanted to talk about just them in general and how they are as Birds because it’s important to know a lot about a Sun Conure, Before actually going out and getting one as with any pet. So Sun Conure s are parrots they are very intelligent creatures very social animals. In the wild, they live in big flocks so they really enjoy other’s company. Have to keep this in mind if you’re gonna get a Sun Conure you need to have the time every single day to spend with that take the time to bond with your bird. Because they are very social creatures so you don’t spend time bonding with your bird every day it’s going to start to become aggressive towards you and it can also get depressed it can kill them, they can start to pluck their feathers. It’s really just not good you want to have the time to take care of your bird. That’s something I need to stress I get questions all the time about like hey Biki I go to work eight hours a day, I’m not home can I still get a bird? My answer to that is it just depends if there’s someone at home who’s willing to spend time with your bird while you’re gone then yes. I’m going to say it’s okay but if there’s nobody home eight hours a day five days a week then it’s probably not a good idea. Because your bird will get lonely.

It just requires a lot of interaction. Another thing you need to keep in mind is Sun Conures can live a very long time they are a long-term commitment. If you give them the proper care they can live like from twenty to thirty years. So you have to keep that in mind they’re long-term commitment you need to be able to have the time for them for the next twenty years thirty years and if you think that’s too much you might want to look into getting something that lives a shorter amount of time or another good alternative is to adopt an older bird so that the commitment isn’t as long. They’re also very loud birds they scream very loud. The amount of noise that can come out of such a small cute creature is incredible one way to keep them quiet however is to spend a lot of time with them. Sun Conure is a very playful and energetic fun birds. They’re just very loud so there’s good and there’s bad. With every bird, you do have to have the time for them and if you do have the time for them they make incredible pets, they are very fun I also wanted to mention really quick that there is an option of keeping more than one Sun Conure together but if you want to keep birds together I recommend doing a lot of research about cohabit conures and stuff like that because it’s not always a good idea but in some cases, it can be and you just gotta do your research about that.

I have never kept conures together so I don’t have any experience with doing so but I do know if you keep conures together they will love it. They’ll play with each other and everything but they just won’t bond with you as much and it also usually isn’t a good idea unless you got Conures that are raised together because putting two birds together that don’t know each other can be dangerous because they can begin to fight with each other. So yeah with all that being said let’s get into the actual care guide part of this article what you’re here for alights the minimum cage requirement for a Sun Conure that I found online was 24inches by 24 inches by 30 inches as with any bird the bigger you can go with the cage the better. Sun Conures super active playful birds if you give them the room they will utilize it. In the cage you want to put a variety of toys. Birds love toys not only for their entertainment but birds kind of need toys to chew on to help wear down their beak and also a variety of perches so that they can wear down their nails I recommend putting in a huge variety of toys for your bird to choose from so you can do wood toys for them to chew on that’s good for their beak you can do plastic toys toys with bells. Birds love to shred things so definitely give them a variety of toys and you can kind of figure out what toys your bird loves the most and then a lot of people also recommend switching out the toys rotating them every few weeks so that your bird never gets bored of them because they are smart they’re intelligent. They will eventually get bored of their toys and you can kind of tell when they’re getting bored with the toys not playing with them as much and then you can switch them out. So that it just keeps them entertained and also you want a variety of perches different textures and different sizes for them. You definitely don’t want to just have the dowel perches it’s just not enough variety for them and it can actually cause problems with their feet. So you want to do a variety of different perches you can do rope perches the perches that wear down the nails. That are kind of like a rough texture and also different types of wood perches the only things you need to be a little bit cautious about and are kind of controversial as far as keeping in bird’s cage are the tents that you can get for birds and also the rope perches some birds can get their nails caught in fibers of the material that the rope perches and the tents are made out of. So people have actually had it happen where birds have gotten their nails caught or gotten their neck caught and the birds have died. So you definitely want to watch out for that. A lot of people just don’t keep those in the birds cages and never have a problem just to stay on the safe side and some people do put those things in their Birds cages and never have a problem as far. As I’m concerned I think the rope perches are okay and even the tents are okay the only thing is you do need to keep a close eye on any loose strings that come undone. Because your bird will probably chew on these things so you just need to make sure to keep cutting back the loose strings that come out so that your bird can’t get caught on anything so if you keep a close eye on everything then I think it is okay but if you want to just stay on the safe side then don’t put any tents or anything in there at all. I just make sure that there aren’t too many of the loose threads coming undone as far as your bird's diet you want to feed your bird a high-quality commercial diet as well as fresh fruits and fresh vegetables and Seed mixed.



Biki's Aviary

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